Our teachers do so much more for our children than we realize. They face immense pressure, not just during the back-to-school season but all year long. From the desire to protect our children to kids struggling to catch up in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, it's increasingly difficult to teach professionally.
The global pandemic outbreak forced many parents into the teacher role at home. This was a complicated and frustrating situation for many people, and it's important to remember those times as a reminder of why teachers are essential.
Teachers expand the minds of our students in so many ways, opening them up to educational and social experiences daily. Education is imperative to thriving, regardless of the subjects your child prefers. School helps them find themselves, directing them toward who they can become within the community, leading us to ask, why wouldn't we want to help teachers?
Parents should be more than willing to help those that spend as much time with their children as they do. If we can show immeasurable support and ease the financial burden that teachers often face, we should!
Of course, the ability to help teachers in your community extends beyond a financial donation or the purchase of classroom supplies, though these things are obviously helpful. Here are some best ways to lend additional support to your teachers at the beginning of the school year and beyond.
Being helpful to the teachers in your community begins with outreach. It's much easier to help them when you know what they need, whether it be school supplies or an advocate for school-budget expansion. Parents should do what they have time for, from purchasing a few extra packages of markers to volunteering at the classroom pizza party.
Teachers are accustomed to receiving little help and are always appreciative of any assistance that comes their way. When your child starts a new school year, don't hesitate to reach out and ask what you can do to help. Even the tiniest gesture can make all the difference.
The beginning of the school year brings about many lists, including class lists, extra-curricular lists, and school supply lists. Most teachers put a few items that kids will share with the entire class, like glue sticks, tissues, or hand sanitizers. If you've got the budget, don't be afraid to go above and beyond when it comes to extra supplies for the classroom.
99% of teachers purchase classroom supplies and decorations with zero outside help. You can be the help. If you're in a place where you don't want to spend extra money, you can donate your time to helping set up or volunteering for events your teachers may need help executing. There are plenty of ways to help that don't involve spending money; all you have to do is ask!
If you have books at home, encourage as much reading as possible! Also, if your home has an overabundance of books, reach out to your child's teacher and ask them if they could use them in the classroom.
Books are typically always welcome, whether they're new or used! Reading ties into every aspect of learning, and teachers will be thrilled that your kids spend time reading at home.
Kids are sometimes assigned teachers that they don't like. When that happens, parents mustn't pick sides; instead, create a partnership with that teacher regarding how to address their child's needs. When a child doesn't like a teacher, it's usually because they're having trouble with a different aspect within the classroom. Open communication can help gauge what's going on.
Routines at home help with sticking to daily routines at school. Try putting up a morning and night checklist so your kids can do their homework and chores and prepare for the next day with ease. Generally, kids love a schedule as it helps them feel safe and secure because they know what's coming next. Establishing a routine at home can help them calm down and settle in while they're at school.
There's nothing wrong with the occasional Cosmic Brownie but sending healthy snacks and lunches (which your child's teacher will likely request at the start of the year) can help prevent an afternoon sugar high that can result in inattentiveness.
Also, providing your children food that fuels their bodies will keep them feeling good, level, and ready to learn. Teachers will appreciate it. Don't forget the water bottle!
Parents love homework just as much as their children do, but homework is an essential piece of the education puzzle. Create a clutter-free space and a designated nightly frame of time to complete homework.
Please encourage your children to edit and double-check their work but let them make mistakes so teachers can effectively gauge how well they grasp the material. Homework is a great way to team up with teachers and teach kids responsibility.
Helping teachers in any way possible should be on every parent's to-do list, this and every year. Yes, we face jam-packed schedules, including sports games, after-school activities, and homework assistance. Still, our teachers are the backbone of our communities, and they've gone without help for far too long.
Let us know what ways you are helping teachers in your community this school year. And if you are a teacher, please feel free to tell us what other ways we can help you.