If you have ever been to Coolidge Park on a weekday morning, there’s a good chance you have seen a group of women working out with strollers. These aren’t just some moms of Chattanooga out for a morning stroll; these are the women of Fit4Mom. Rachel McClellan, mother of 4 and owner of the Fit4Mom franchise in Chattanooga, started her F4M journey after the birth of her first daughter back in Chicago. “I was a new stay-at-home mom and the first of my friends to have kids. I had no family around and felt alone in motherhood. I saw a grand opening for a workout group nearby, so I joined as an athlete and later became an instructor.”
Nine months later, Rachel’s family relocated to Chattanooga for her husband’s job and she knew she needed mom friends, she knew she needed Fit4Mom. And thus Fit4Mom Chattanooga was born.
Nearly six years and 3 more babies later and Rachel’s business is thriving with quite a following. There are classes offered Monday through Saturday to include Stroller Strides, Stroller Barre, Body Boost, Run Club, Fit4Baby, and more! Most classes incorporate your stroller into the workout and include an after-class activity for the kids. The idea behind this is that mom gets to workout and socialize while baby comes along too—a wonderful concept, especially for first time moms where that postpartum support is crucial.
When asked if she has any advice for new moms or how she juggles owning a business while raising her four children, Rachel says, “Don’t be afraid to ask for and accept help. You need women around during this phase in your life. We all need that support.”
Fit4Mom has an exciting summer ahead. They have a teacher special all summer long for any moms who are teachers in our community. They also have sensory bin playdates, mini photo sessions, and a splash pad day all coming up in the month of June!
Also, did you know your first class with Fit4Mom is FREE? Click the link to sign up for your FREE class and see what this fabulous village of moms is all about: https://chattanooga.fit4mom.com/your-first-class-is-free.